G413 was conceived, designed, and engineered to deliver advanced performance with just the right feature set. The slim, bladelike chassis is made of of a lightweight, high-strength 5052 aluminum alloy. Underneath, there is mouse and headset cable management, plus adjustable-height feet with rubber stabilizers, so you can find the angle that fits you just right.
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Stay in-game while you control your audio. The FN keys on G413 feature dedicated media controls so you can play, pause, and mute instantly. Skip to the next song with the touch of a button, or crank up the current one. Use the FN toggle feature in Logitech G HUB and configure keys to perform media commands by default.
Trigger game mode to deactivate keys that might get in your way, like the Windows key. 26-key rollover lets you press multiple keys plus modifier keys (Control, Alt, Shift) simultaneously in any order and get what you intended. Plus, performance-tuned anti-ghosting gives you reliable control when multiple gaming commands are given simultaneously.
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