I wear modern makeup with my period costumes. Sometimes I do a certain makeup to look good in photographs, which looks weird in person, depends on the occasion. I am not one of those who use historical makeup. I think the important part is to do what they did, achieve the colours they achieved in certain areas with the help of modern technologies in makeup, makeups that last longer and are easier to use beautifully. Always avoid full coverage foundation.
Among other things she has the best flowered and plain satins, flowered and plain modes, sarcenets, and Persians flowered, striped, and plain English gauze, from 5s. 9d. to 12s. a yard, great variety of blond, minionet, thread, and black lace, joining blonds for Ladies caps and handkerchiefs, black and white gauze handkerchiefs, wedding and other fans from 4s. 6d. to 30s. ready made stomachers and knots, a great variety of ribands, French beads and earrings, Ladies caps from 2s. 6d. to 25s. fly caps and lappets, egrets of all sorts, silk and leather gloves and mits, summer hats and cloaks, cardinals, French tippets, black gauze and catgut love riband for mournings, silk, thread, and cotton stockings, for Ladies and Gentlemen, Gentlemen's laced ruffles from 30s. to 10 l. bags for wigs and solitaires, Irish linens and tapers in variety, garnet and gold brooches, a variety of silver shoe buckles, in the newest fashion for Ladies and Gentlemen, with knee buckles for the latter, silver thimbles with steel bottoms, pencils in silver cases, enamelled nutmeg graters, best needles sorted in due proportion from the finest cambrick to the largest darning needles, in such variety as never before imported; with some articles of STATIONARY, viz. Black legers, memorandum and pocket books in great variety, and sundry articles too tedious to mention.
The Mode In Hats And Headdress: A Historical Survey With 198 Plates (Dover Fashion And Costumes) Fre
FLOWERED, satin and spotted mode cardinals and cloaks, hats and bonnets, gauze and lace, plain, striped, and book muslin, fine thick cambrick and clear lawns, fine book muslin bordered handkerchiefs, a large and fashionable assortment of ribands, caps, egrets, plumes, feathers, and filets, exceeding fine lappet heads, a neat assortment of garnet and paste, hoop, and other rings, paste shoe, knee, and stock buckles, silver mounted morocco pocket books with instruments, and some very complete and secure with two locks, huswives for Ladies with instruments, boys satin caps of all sizes, white, black, and coloured, silk hose, fine India cotton do. different sorts of cotton and worsted do. boys and girls worsted do. Didsbury's best shoes and pumps for Gentlemen, red, blue, and yellow slippers, for do. Didsbury's best and neatest black and white satin and calimanco pumps for Ladies, a piece of exceeding good black paduasoy, a very neat and genteel assortment of wedding, mourning, second mourning, and other fans, bases for do. children's shoes of all sizes, artificial hair pins, breast flowers, equal in beauty to any ever imported, and so near resemble nature that the nicest eye can hardly distinguish the difference, coloured, white, and black silk French kid and lamb gloves and mits for Ladies, girls, and children, buck, doe, kid, lamb, Woodstock, wash leather, and white gloves for Gentlemen, black silk bags and roses for do. blond silk and cotton thread for working, sewing silks of all sorts, best English pound and paper pins, needles sorted, fine plaited stocks and stock tape, quilted petticoats, red cardinals, garlands and trimmings, walking sticks, canes and ratans, skeleton and skeign wire, three for a shilling, and many other articles too tedious to insert. 2ff7e9595c