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Lose 5kg in 5 Weeks Ebook Free Download: The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss


If you\u2019re looking to get fitter, trimmer and lighter \u2013 not to mention healthier \u2013 then cycling is a great way to lose weight.\nIt\u2019s efficient, enjoyable, easy to slot into a busy day and, best of all, has emotional and mental benefits as well as physical ones. What\u2019s not to like?\nIn fact, if an activity is enjoyable, studies show you are much more likely to stick with it.\nYou may already be at a healthy weight but want to become a fitter, faster and better cyclist.\nIf so, losing weight can help if your power-to-weight ratio is a limiting factor, for instance if you tend to get dropped on climbs.\nBut it\u2019s important to consider if you need to lose weight at all. Losing weight can compromise cycling performance, such as maximal power, which is critical to improving your sprinting.\nIf you have an underlying health condition or any other concerns before starting a new weight-loss plan, you might want to consider visiting your doctor.\n\n \nCycling to lose weight: four key questions answered\nMatt Fitzgerald, author of Racing Weight: How to Get Lean for Peak Performance and co-founder of 80\/20 endurance sport coaching, answers these common weight-loss questions.\nDoes cycling help you lose weight?\nAlthough aerobic exercise in general is better for weight management than loss, cycling can be as effective as running and Nordic skiing.\nHow much cycling do you need to do to lose 1kg?\nWhen it comes to how many calories cycling burns, it\u2019s impossible to say. Old estimates that you need to expend 35,000 calories for a pound of body weight loss are inaccurate. The leaner you become, the harder it is to lose additional weight.\nCan I lose weight from cycling for one hour a day?\nIf you have a healthy diet and go from not cycling to cycling, you will lose a bit of weight.\nDo I need to diet to lose weight?\nThe adage that you can\u2019t out-train a bad diet holds true unless you ride five hours a day, for example.\nIt\u2019s simplistic to say either diet or exercise is more important for weight loss, but better eating does deliver more bang for your buck.\u00a0\n\n\n \n Diet and training science has moved on\n\n Take a science-based approach to shedding excess weight. Simon Bromley \/ Immediate Media\nBefore we delve into how to lose weight through cycling, it\u2019s worth acknowledging diet and training science has moved on in recent years.\nFitzgerald says endurance sport diet and training science has changed since he last spoke to us about how to reach your optimal cycling weight.\nHe stands by the premise of his seminal text \u2013 that body weight and body composition matter in cycling \u2013 but says it can be a tricky issue.\n\u201cEverything I talk about is science-based, so if you\u2019re interested in [weight loss] do it the right way, not the wrong way,\u201d says Fitzgerald.\nHow to lose weight through cycling: 13 tips to help you shed the pounds\nBe realistic and play to your strengths\n\n Measuring body composition is more relevant to cyclists than BMI. Simon Bromley\nYou can choose a target weight using Body Mass Index (BMI) as a guide. This is based on your height-to-weight ratio, and is used by many medical professionals. BMI is good for identifying a healthy target weight to aim for.\nYou can use an online tool such as the NHS BMI checker to identify a healthy weight for you. BMI is far from a perfect metric, but it\u2019s a good place to get you started.\nA better alternative is to aim for a target body fat percentage. A healthy man would typically have a body fat percentage of 15 to 18 per cent, and a woman of 25 to 32 per cent.\nA man who trains and rides regularly can reach a body fat percentage of 8 to 10 per cent and a woman training and riding regularly of 24 to 28 per cent.\nBuying weighing scales that will measure body fat percentage could be a good investment.\nBefore setting a weight-loss target with the aim to ride faster, again, make sure it\u2019s realistic and will actually suit your riding characteristics.\n\n Few of us can get as lean as a world champion. Bas Czerwinski\/Getty Images\nAlan Murchison, author of The Performance Chef books and nutritionist with Specialized Factory Racing, says: \u201cIf you\u2019ve got a 75kg frame, going down to 60kg just isn\u2019t going to happen.\u201d\nIf you\u2019re more heavily set, you\u2019re better suited to riding fast on the flat than uphill. As an example, Murchison says Peter Sagan is no more likely to win a Grand Tour mountain stage than Egan Bernal is a cobbled classic.\u00a0\nAlso bear in mind that the body composition of elite athletes isn\u2019t achievable for amateurs like ourselves. Experts plan their every meal and training session.\n\u201cThey don\u2019t have to go to work, do the school run, stand in the playground full of snotty kids or go to an office full of people coughing,\u201d says Murchison.\n\u201cThey are so on the edge of being unwell. If they are running six or seven per cent body fat, they are not doing the school run.\n\u201cYou have got to be realistic about what\u2019s achievable for you and your body type.\u201d\nAim for a rate of weight loss of up to 1kg per week\n\n Rapid weight loss can lead to exhaustion and health issues. Getty\n\u201cFor most people, if they have an hour a day, and they are happy doing an hour a day of exercise, then they can expect to lose a kilo a week,\u201d says Andy Wadsworth, a personal trainer and coach.\nHowever, Dr Emma Wilkins and Tom Bell, of High North Performance coaching, suggest an upper weight-loss limit of half a kilo or one pound a week.\nLosing weight quicker than that for longer than several months can lead to RED-S, or relative energy deficiency in sport.\nProtracted energy depletion can lead to \u201cimpaired physiological function\u201d, including menstrual health in women and bone density in both sexes.\nDon\u2019t diet\n\n Excluding carbs while cycling won\u2019t work for long. Olive Magazine \/ Immediate Media Co\nOld and new-fangled diets alike cut out certain types of food to lower calorie consumption to below your expenditure.\nHowever, eliminating macronutrients such as carbohydrates or fats is bad for health, according to Murchison.\n\u201cI\u2019m not a great fan of exclusion diets \u2013 you need fat, you need carbohydrate, you need protein,\u201d he says.\n\u201cTo take out any food group is probably detrimental to health.\n\u201cIn the short term, you might lose that weight but it will come back on.\u201d\nA better method, Murchison believes, is to aim for a 500-calorie deficit on your easier days.\n\n Even the pros enjoy the odd sweet treat. Olive Magazine \/ Immediate Media Co\nTo do so, he advises having a little less of every type of food without being too restrictive.\nMurchison says elite athletes don\u2019t always follow a strict diet. \u201cThey\u2019ll eat junk food, they\u2019ll eat snacks, treats, crisps and Haribo,\u201d he\u00a0explains.\n\u201cAll of those things are important, it\u2019s all about balance.\u201d\nMurchison says some reductions could be 75g dry weight of rice rather than 100g, five per cent fat yoghurt instead of full-fat yoghurt or having a teaspoon of honey not a tablespoon.\nSoon, these smaller portions equate to a 500-calories deficit, but \u201cdon\u2019t be greedy and go for 800 calories\u201d, he cautions.\nA large calorie debt can lead to hunger, feeling rubbish on the bike and eventually over-eating.\nOn harder days, a big calorie deficit will \u201cbite you on the arse\u201d, according to Murchison.\nOnce you know how to train with power, you can pinpoint days that require more food. A power meter measures your kilojoules expenditure (the amount of work you\u2019ve done), which equates to total calorie burn.\nNeither expert recommends habitually counting calories. Murchison believes it\u2019s too time-consuming, while Fitzgerald argues calculations will never be accurate.\n\n Logging your food for a few days can get you on track. Getty\nThey agree it\u2019s better to occasionally do a \u2018dietary audit\u2019 where you log what and how much you eat for three days in a cycling app such as MyFitnessPal.\n\u201cAs an exercise, doing the maths is okay, but the maths isn\u2019t accurate. It gets you paying attention,\u201d says Fitzgerald.\nScientists determine the calorie content of food for nutritional labels by incinerating the product in a bomb calorimeter and measuring how much energy is released.\n\u201cThat\u2019s not how a human being eats and digests food \u2013 we\u2019re not incinerating it, so those numbers you see on the labels are not really true, they\u2019re in the general ball park.\n\u201cAnd it\u2019s the same for calorie expenditure, the amount of calories you burn won\u2019t equal the calculation,\u201d Fitzgerald adds.\nAs a result, he believes \u201cit\u2019s a fool\u2019s errand to try those calculations because it\u2019s incredibly complex.\u201d\nHe adds that the way a food is cooked or prepared influences how many calories you absorb from exactly the same food. For example, you\u2019ll absorb fewer calories from a whole apple than apple sauce.\nWhat\u2019s more, calorie studies in controlled environments such as metabolic chambers cannot be replicated in real life.\nRather than aiming for a 200 to 300-calorie deficit you won\u2019t be able to knowingly achieve, Fitzgerald says it\u2019s better to ask: \u201cwhat am I doing now and what changes can I make that will sensibly reduce my calories intake and\/or increase my calories expenditure?\u201d\nLet\u2019s say your weight, diet and exercise habits have been steady for the past six months.\n\u201cIt\u2019s a no-brainer that if you then increase your diet quality, reduce mindless eating and increase activity level, you will end up in a deficit and lose weight, it remains to be seen how much,\u201d Fitzgerald says.\nFuel for the work required\n\n During and after a big ride, you\u2019ll pay for scrimping on breakfast. Olive Magazine\nDespite the difficulty of estimating your energy expenditure and intake, your training load should roughly reflect your food intake.\n\u201cThe biggest mistake people make is either over-fueling or under-fueling,\u201d says Murchison.\n\u201cIf you were driving from Bath up to Edinburgh, you\u2019d never leave with a quarter of a tank of fuel. It would be pointless,\u201d he adds.\nOn easy days, Murchison recommends just riding with water. But if you\u2019ve got a \u201cgod-awful session on the turbo, like two times 20 minutes sweetspot, you\u2019re going to need carbohydrates before,\u201d he says.\nYou\u2019ll also need to think about what to eat and drink to recover from a hard ride.\nYour macronutrient balance doesn\u2019t need to be all that exact, but Murchison says his carbohydrate as a percentage of total calories intake drops to 50 per cent on easier days and increases to 70 per cent on hard days.\nWhether you should opt for sports nutrition products or \u2018real food\u2019 for fuel during a long ride depends on its purpose \u2013 \u201cdo you want to complete the ride or compete in the ride?\u201d as Murchison puts it.\n\n Solid food, such as homemade rice cakes, is perfect endurance-ride fuel. Ben Delaney\/BikeRadar\nMurchison says he powers a 100-mile time trial with energy gels and energy drink. But on a five-hour leisurely ride, he\u2019ll eat bananas and homemade flapjacks.\nFailing to eat enough on rides of this length undermines weight-loss goals and performance, Murchison explains.\n\u201cYou\u2019ll come in, eat 2,000 calories worth of sh**e over the next few hours, so it\u2019s a false economy.\n\u201cIf you don\u2019t take enough in on the bike, you end up riding like a three-legged donkey,\u201d he says.\nEchoing Murchison, Fitzgerald says under-eating is more dangerous than over-eating for endurance athletes such as cyclists.\n\u201cOver-eating isn\u2019t good, but under-eating is worse.\n\u201cThere is more and more research on RED-S: relative energy deficiency in sport.\n\u201cIf you over-eat just slightly, you have plenty of energy for your workouts, you have plenty of raw materials for recovery and adaptation,\u201d he adds.\nThe only downside is you\u2019ll weigh more than your optimal racing weight.\nOn the other hand, under-eating can leave you under-fueled, hampering workouts, recovery and your immune system. You\u2019re more likely to get injured too.\nWhen athletes want to lose weight, Fitzgerald tells them to \u201cproceed with caution and do things by the book \u2013 starvation, super-intense restrictiveness with your diet is not the way to go.\n\u201cIt may make you feel good for a week as you lose weight quickly, but in the long run you\u2019ll end up worse off,\u201d Fitzgerald explains.\nHigh-intensity workouts are best for weight loss\n\n HIIT is the best way to trim weight fast. Russell Burton \/ Immediate Media\nTraditionally, riders try to lose weight while doing base training in the winter months.\nThe thinking goes that it\u2019s easier and safer to reduce carbohydrate intake while doing high-volume, low-intensity riding where fat is the body\u2019s primary fuel source.\nAs Murchison writes in The Cycling Chef: Recipes for Performance and Pleasure, opting for a 10 per cent calorie deficit at certain times of year will enable you to lose weight while training effectively, but a deficit will make it almost impossible to complete high-intensity sessions.\nHowever, Fitzgerald says the optimal way to lose weight by cycling is to perform a block of regular high-intensity interval training.\nBurning fat on the bike by riding in zones one and two of your training zones is great for fitness, but not that efficient for weight loss, he explains.\nIn comparison, shorts bursts above your functional threshold power in zones six and seven burn more calories per minute and at a higher rate after the workout. This is due to excess post-exercise energy consumption (EPOC), which can amount to 6-15 per cent of net total energy cost of a punchy workout, according to a 2005 study.\u00a0\nFor a competitive cyclist, this fat-shedding block should precede your transition from off-season to race-focused training. Or, if you don\u2019t race, do it when you\u2019re not training really hard.\nIt shouldn\u2019t exhaust you \u2013 the intervals don\u2019t need to be the long VO2 max intervals you do in racing season.\nInstead, Fitzgerald suggests three to four interval days a week, depending on your tolerance.\nAn example session is a warm-up followed by 10 or 12 times 30 seconds and a cool down. Do a recovery ride the next day and more intervals the day after.\nIt\u2019s also a good time to do more strength training, and eat fewer carbohydrates and more protein to accentuate fat loss.\nFitzgerald advises caution when taking this short-term approach, which isn\u2019t ideal for losing a large amount of weight, for example 20kg.\n\u201cIt is threading the needle in terms of efficiently losing weight without over-training at a time in your year when you don\u2019t want to be going too deep,\u201d he adds.\n\n Carrying and running with your bike makes \u2018cross an all-body workout. DAVID STOCKMAN \/ Contributor\nAside from winter intervals, there are few better ways to fit in quality work than cyclocross racing.\nYou\u2019ll ride flat-out for up to an hour on muddy technical courses. Your legs and lungs will burn as you accelerate out of bends and up banks.\nBut laps will fly by, making it much less bleak than slogging through interval sets on your own. The atmosphere is competitive, yet inclusive and cyclocross skills will transfer to tarmac.\nIf you don\u2019t fancy doing this outside or the weather is bad, there\u2019s always cycling indoors. It might not be as much fun as riding outside, but the best smart trainers and turbo trainer workouts allow you to smash a session when it\u2019s lashing with rain.\nIndoor cycling apps, such as Zwift, make the experience more realistic \u2013 and, dare we say it, fun \u2013 than ever.\nOther apps, including Wahoo RGT, Rouvy and TrainerRoad also have workouts and training plans with plenty of interval sessions to choose from.\nModerate volume\n\n Extra time on the pedals doesn\u2019t necessarily translate to greater weight loss. Andy Lloyd \/ Our Media\nFitzgerald believes the law of diminishing returns applies to training volume and \u201cyou can more or less ignore\u201d trying to maximise calorie expenditure.\n\u201cIt\u2019s counterintuitive because you\u2019d think the more calories you burn the more weight you\u2019ll lose,\u201d he explains.\nBut the complex relationship between training, metabolism and eating means an extra hour of pedalling doesn\u2019t necessarily lead to additional weight loss.\nFitzgerald says appetite tends to increase in response to raised activity levels, but this is dependent on the person.\n\u201cYou will tend to get less of a compensation effect with your eating if the overall training is low and a fair amount is at high intensity,\u201d he adds.\nRather than guessing or presuming how this compensation effect works for you, he says it\u2019s best to follow a simple process: adopt a simple training regimen and improve your diet, and then see what happens.\nCommute to work by bike\n\n Riding to work efficiently increases training time. Steve Sayers \/ Our Media\nOne of the brilliant things about cycling is that it\u2019s also an efficient form of transport, so switching your commute to two wheels means you\u2019ll be getting in a regular amount of exercise in time that you would have spent travelling anyway.\nCommuting by bike can have a huge impact on weight loss. A 2015 study by the University of East Anglia and the Centre for Diet and Activity Research showed that people who switched to cycling from driving or public transport lost on average 7kg (1st) over the course of a year when riding 30 minutes each way.\nYou can further capitalise on your commute with effective ride to work workouts, including the high-intensity intervals Fitzgerald advocates.\nCycling also helps improve your concentration, creativity and memory, so you\u2019re also likely to be more productive when you get to work.\nAerobic exercise, including cycling, has been found to reduce anxiety and stress levels.\nGet plenty of sleep\n\n A good night\u2019s sleep is key to weight loss. Derek Berwin \/ Stringer\nSleep is the unsung hero of weight loss. Studies have shown that people who get six to eight hours of sleep a night are much more successful at losing weight and keeping it off. They also tend to be less stressed.\nResearch has indicated that people who don\u2019t get enough sleep at night are more prone to feeling hungry and less likely to feel satiated when they eat.\nAnd of course, a good night\u2019s sleep is essential to help the body repair and build muscle after each day so you are ready for the next.\nIt sounds simple, but it\u2019s important; aim for a quality sleep of around seven hours every night to give yourself the best chance of losing weight.\nKeep track of your progress\n\n A training diary can help with motivation. Westend61 \/ Getty Images\nKeep motivated and monitor your progress by recording it as you go.\n\u201cDon\u2019t be disappointed if your rate of weight loss decreases.\n\u201cIn the first week, your weight might go down every day, but in the fourth week that is not the case anymore,\u201d says Fitzgerald.\nIf you\u2019re tracking your progress using your weight or body fat percentage, then measure yourself once a week, ideally at the same time of day. First thing in the morning, after you\u2019ve been to the toilet, is a popular time.\nIf you use Strava or a similar route tracker, you\u2019ll be able to see your fitness improving as you progress \u2013 you\u2019re likely to get faster along certain segments, which gives a great sense of achievement.\nIn conjunction with training apps such as Wahoo SYSTM, you could also keep a training diary.\nClothes are also a great way to check how you\u2019re doing. If you\u2019ve got a favourite item you want to fit into, or something you currently wear, check back every couple of weeks to see how it fits on you.\nHit the weights\n\n Getting stronger boosts your metabolism. Adam Gasson \/ Immediate Media\nFitzgerald says muscle is an \u201cenergy hog\u201d because a kilogram of muscle requires more calories to sustain than equivalent fat.\nThe combination of strength training and a caloric deficit leads to nutrient partitioning.\n\u201cYour muscles turn protein into muscle tissue and turn fat and carbohydrate you consume into fuel that maintains that muscle tissue,\u201d he explains.\nA 2021 study found that reducing calorie intake in tandem with strength training ensures lean weight loss.\nBeware of fasted training\n\n Heading out before breakfast is better for fitness than losing weight. pixdeluxe \/ Getty Images\nAlthough fasted training used to be advised for losing weight through cycling, it\u2019s actually better for fitness, according to Fitzgerald.\nFasted training is a kind of carbohydrate-restricted training where you ride in the morning before breakfast in a glycogen-depleted state. This obliges your body to burn fat for fuel, also known as \u201csleeping low\u201d.\nFitzgerald says fasted training and intermittent fasting appeal most to athletes at greater risk of body dysmorphia and disordered eating. They can exacerbate their condition by adopting these methods.\u00a0\n\u00a0\u201cIt\u2019s really best to keep your focus on the basic, boring stuff if you want to lose weight.\n\u201cThe benefits [of fasted training] are more fitness-specific. Could you use it as a weight-loss tool? You could, but I don\u2019t recommend it,\u201d he adds.\u00a0\nImprove diet quality\n\n Focus on eating satisfying foods with a high nutritional value. Olive Magazine\nFitzgerald recommends eating unprocessed versions of quality foods such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, oils, fish, meat and grains.\nUnprocessed fish, as part of a balanced diet, is good for you and will help you lose weight, says Fitzgerald.\n\u201cYou\u2019re consuming fewer calories per unit of volume or satiety, so you\u2019re not going hungry while eating fewer calories,\u201d he says.\nFitzgerald says mindless eating \u2013 not stopping eating when you\u2019re full \u2013 is a trap we often fall into.\nEating unprocessed food and avoiding mindless eating is a pretty quick way of minimising any energy surplus and it isn\u2019t terribly onerous.\n\u201cImproving diet quality might require you to cut out calorie bombs you enjoy, like crisps, but it delivers more bang for your buck in terms of weight loss than exercise, \u201d he says.\nFitzgerald says this doesn\u2019t mean you should set a rule of never eating processed food, but emphasises how switching to unprocessed equivalents is a \u201chumane way of reducing calorie intake\u201d.\nEnjoy it!\n\n Get out with your pals for enjoyment and fitness. Wilderness Trail Bikes\nThere are many reasons why weight doesn\u2019t have to be a barrier to cycling. If you enjoy riding at your current weight, why change?\nYou don\u2019t have to be built like a greyhound to savour speeding along country lanes, ripping along mountain bike trails, embarking on long contemplative rides on your own or enjoying social rides with friends.\nAbove all, cycling is about having fun and there are plenty of benefits beyond weight loss.\n\n\n \n \n \n \n Want the latest cycling tech news, reviews and features direct to your inbox? \n \n The BikeRadar newsletter will bring you our curated selection of the best cycling tech news, reviews, features and more from across the site. Just enter your email address below to get started.\n \n \n \n Thank you for signing up to the BikeRadar newsletter!\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Sign in\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Register\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Sign me up!\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n You can unsubscribe at any time. 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