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Application Of Complexometric Titration Pdf Download: An Introduction to Complex Ion Equilibria and


In this unit, the concept of complex ion formation and associated stepwise equilibrium reactions will be examined and discussed. Particular emphasis will be given to the application of the complex ion reactions in complexometric titrations, titrimetric methods based upon complex formation, as a means to quantitative analysis of metal ions in solution. The emphasis will be on how complex ion formation can be used as a basis of a titrimetric method to quantify metal ions in solution. Here, ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) will be studied as an analytical reagent or titrant that forms very stable complexes with many metal ions in complexometric titration. EDTA (a tertiary amine that also contains carboxylic acid groups) is the most widely used polyaminocarboxylic acid. A discussion of the factors that influence the stability of metal-EDTA complexes and their significance as well as the types of EDTA titrations will also be covered.

Complex-forming reactions involving many metal ions can serve as a basis for accurate and convenient titrations for such metal ions. These kinds of complex ion titration procedures referred to as complexometric titrations, have high ac- curacies and offer the possibility of determinations of metal ions at the millimole levels. They have their applications in many chemical and biological processes. The processes involved in the formation of complex ions are basically acid-base type reactions in which the metal ion acts as an acid and the anions or molecules as the base (see unit 2 that deals with acids and bases). In this activity, the theoryand applications of complex ion formation, and specifically complexometric ti- trations in quantifying metal ions in solution will be examined. In addition, thesignificance of using a reagent that forms a chelate over one that merely forms acomplex with a metal ion in volumetric analysis will be explained. Since much attention has recently been focused on the use of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) in titrimetry, its various applications will be highlighted in this unit.

Application Of Complexometric Titration Pdf Download

Chelates find application both in industry and in the laboratory where fixing ofmetal ions is required. In analytical chemistry, chelates are used in both qualitative and quantitative analysis. For example, Ni2+, Mg2+, and Cu2+ are quantitatively precipitated by chelating agents. In volumetric analysis, chelating agents (such as ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid, EDTA) are often used as a reagents or as indicators for the titration of some metal ions. Because of the stability of chelates, polydentate ligands (also called chelating agents) are often used to sequester or remove metal ions from a chemical system. Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), for example, is added to certain canned foods to remove transition-metal ions that can catalyze the deterioration of the food. The same chelating agent has been used to treat lead poisoning because it binds Pb2+ ions as the chelate, which can then be excreted by the kidneys.

In the subsequent sections that follow, the application of the fundamentals of complex ion formation is demonstrated in complexometric titration. This isachieved after briefly considering the subtopic of complex equilibria.

The chelate most commonly used for complexometric titrations is ethylenedia- mine tetraacetic acid (EDTA); an aminopolycarboxylic acid which is an excel- lent complexing agent. It is normally represented by either of the following two structures:

If Mn+ is the metal ion and Y4- stands for the completely ionized form of EDTA, then the metal-EDTA complex can be represented as MY(n-4)+. The stability of such a complex is often dependent on a number of factors, that need due consi- deration as one investigates the application of EDTA titration experiments inquantification of metal ions in solution. These factors affect the various multiple equilibria shown above, which in turn influences how complexometric titrationis carried out. The next section looks at the two important factors that are true for all complexometric titrations.

In the following section, we shall use the Ca2+-EDTA titration to illustrate the method of complexometric titration. In this method, a colorimetric indicator, [these are intensely coloured substances in at least one form (bound or unbound to the metal) and do change colour when the metal-ion analyte binds with it], is used.

You might wonder what you need to consider when selecting a suitable sensor for your titration, as a huge variety of different sensors exist. The right sensor needs to be selected based on the type of titration that you want to carry out. For a redox titration, you will need a different sensor than for a complexometric titration.

The easiest way to check the performance of your electrode is to monitor it during a standardized titration (e.g., titer determination) which is performed regularly (e.g., weekly) and where prerequisites such as sample size, concentration of titrant, and volume of added water are always very similar. Otherwise, you can also follow a procedure recommended by Metrohm. To check metal electrodes, you can find a test procedure in application bulletin AB-048, for surfactant electrodes in application bulletin AB-305 and for ion selective electrodes, a check procedure is given in the ISE manual.

Complexometric titrations are useful in determining mixtures with different metalions in the solution. Often, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is used as the titrantin complexometric titrations for several reasons. EDTA is a weak Lewis acid thatcontains six binding sites. Because EDTA has six binding sites, it is considered achelating ligand. Also, the reaction with EDTA and a metal species typically goes tocompletion at a fast rate. 3

The overall goal of this experiment was to compose a standardized EDTAsolution to use as a titrant in a complexometric titration in order to identify the amount ofcalcium oxide, CaO, in an unknown sample.

In this experiment, an EDTA solution was composed and then standardized inorder to use as a titrant in a complexometric titration. This titration was done to identifythe amount of calcium oxide in the unknown sample #146.

This application note (download below) contains the method and procedure tips for determination of phosphates in selected soft drink and mouthwash samples by complexometric titration. A back titration is used, where an excess of bismuth nitrate is added to the sample, bismuth phosphate is then precipitated and unreacted bismuth ions are titrated against EDTA. 4-(2-Pyridylazo)resorcinol (PAR) is used as the color indicator and the color change at the endpoint of the reaction is detected with a photometric sensor. 2ff7e9595c


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