Xserveis a 1U rack-mount server powered by two dual-core 64-bit Intel Xeon processors running at up to 3.0GHz and features Mac OS XServer 10.5, which became available in October 2007. Xserve supports up to 32GB of RAM, remote management and internal serial attached SCSI ("SAS") or serial ATA ("SATA") storage drivesof up to 2.25TB, with optional internal hardware RAID. The Company's Xserve RAID storage system delivers up to 10.5TB of Fiber Channel attached hardware RAID storage capacity and also expanded supportfor Mac OS X and heterogeneous environments.
InSeptember 2007, the Company introduced a new version of its flash-memory-based iPod nano featuring a larger two-inch display with 204 pixels per inch and a new user interfacefeaturing Cover Flow. The new iPod nano comes in an all metal design made with anodized aluminum and polished stainless steel and has up to 24 hours of battery life. The iPod nanoincludes the Click Wheel, a smaller and lighter design and brighter color screen than its predecessor, and new iPod games. The iPod nano is available in 4GB and 8GB configurations and in a variety ofcolors.
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InSeptember 2007, the Company introduced the iPod touch, a new flash-memory-based iPod that is 8 mm thin and features the Company's Multi-Touch™ user interface on a3.5-inch widescreen display. The iPod touch includes Wi-Fi wireless networking and additional applications such as Safari™, Google Search or Yahoo! oneSearch, andthe new iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store. The iPod touch is available in 8GB and 16 GB configurations and features up to 22 hours of audio playback and up to five hours of videoplayback. The iPod touch's user interface is based on the Multi-Touch™ display allowing users to control the device with a touchscreen.
The U.S. represents the Company's largest geographic marketplace. Approximately 60% of the Company's net sales in 2007 came from sales to customers inside the U.S. Finalassembly of products sold by the Company is currently performed in the Company's manufacturing facility in Cork, Ireland, and by external vendors in Fremont, California; Fullerton, California; Taiwan;the Republic of Korea ("Korea"); the People's Republic of China ("China"); and the Czech Republic. Currently, the supply and manufacture of many critical components used in the Company's products isperformed by sole-sourced third-party vendors in the U.S., China, Japan, Korea, and Singapore. Final assembly of substantially all of the Company's portable products, including MacBookPro, MacBook, iPod, and iPhone, is performed by sole-sourced third-party vendors in China. Margins on sales of the Company's products in foreign countries, and on sales of products thatinclude components obtained from foreign suppliers, can be adversely affected by foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations and by international trade regulations, including tariffs and antidumpingpenalties.
Because the Company currently obtains certain key components, including microprocessors, enclosures, certain LCDs, certain optical drives, and application-specific integratedcircuits ("ASICs"), from single or limited sources, the Company is subject to significant supply and pricing risks. Many of these and other key components that are available from multiple sources,including NAND flash memory, DRAM memory, and certain LCDs, are subject at times to industry-wide shortages and significant commodity pricing fluctuations. The Company has entered intocertain agreements for the supply of critical components at favorable pricing, but there is no guarantee that the Company will beable to extend or renew these agreements on favorable terms upon expiration or otherwise obtain favorable pricing in the future. Therefore, the Company remains subject to significant risks of supplyshortages and/or price increases that can have a material adverse effect on its financial condition and operating results. The Company expects to experience decreases in its gross margin percentage infiscal year 2008, as compared to levels achieved during fiscal year 2007, due in part to current and expected future price increases for certain components. See "Management's Discussion and Analysisof Financial Condition and Results of Operations—Gross Margin."
A substantial majority of the Company's outstanding trade receivables are not covered by collateral or credit insurance. The Company also has unsecured non-tradereceivables resulting from the sale by the Company of components to vendors who manufacture sub-assemblies or assemble final products for the Company. In addition, the Company has enteredinto long-term supply agreements to secure supply of NAND flash-memory and has prepaid a total of $1.25 billion under these agreements, of which $208 million had been used asof September 29, 2007. While the Company has procedures to monitor and
Grossmargin percentage of 34.0% in 2007 increased significantly from 29.0% in 2006. The primary drivers of this increase were more favorable costs on certain commodity components, including NANDflash memory and DRAM memory, higher overall revenue that provided for more leverage on fixed production costs and a higher percentage of revenue from the Company's direct sales channels.
agreements,the Company prepaid $1.25 billion for flash memory components during 2006, which will be applied to certain inventory purchases made over the life of each respective agreement. TheCompany utilized $208 million of the prepayment as of September 29, 2007.
During the first quarter of 2006, the Company entered into long-term supply agreements with Hynix Semiconductor, Inc., Intel Corporation, MicronTechnology, Inc., Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., and Toshiba Corporation to secure supply of NAND flash memory through calendar year 2010. As part of these agreements, the Companyprepaid $1.25 billion for flash memory components during 2006, which will be applied to certain inventory purchases made over the life of each respective agreement. The Company utilized$208 million of the prepayment as of September 29, 2007.
The Company's management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 13a-15(f)under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended). Management conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of the Company's internal control over financial reporting based on the criteria setforth in Internal Control—Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission ("COSO"). Based on this evaluation, management has concludedthat the Company's internal control over financial reporting was effective as of September 29, 2007. The Company's independent registered public accounting firm, KPMG
TheAudit Committee is primarily responsible for overseeing the services performed by the Company's independent registered public accounting firm and internal audit department, evaluating theCompany's accounting policies and its system of internal controls and reviewing significant financial transactions. Members of the Audit Committee are Messrs. Campbell and York andDr. Levinson. The Audit Committee met a total of 14 times during fiscal year 2007.
So Microsoft Office version numbers end up containing three relevant bits of data:the software generation (Office 97, Office XP, Office 2003, Office 2007), which is patently obvious to anyone using the software-- and can be directly inferred from the build date anyway.the date of the build.the number of builds done after "code freeze".
Of those three, how many are actually useful to users? How many are useful to developers?On the whole, I encourage software developers to avoid confounding users with version numbers. That's what leads to crappy ideas like SID 6.7 and even crappier movies like Virtuosity. We brought it on ourselves by letting our geeky, meaningless little construct of major and minor version numbers spill over into pop culture. It's not worth it. Let's reel it back in.Whenever possible, use simple dates instead of version numbers, particularly in the public names of products. And if you absolutely, positively must use version numbers internally, make them dates anyway: be sure to encode the date of the build somewhere in your version number. 2ff7e9595c